Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Why won’t your Spring Grove garage door opener open the garage door?

That garage door opener in your Spring Grove garage is a wonderful convenience. It’s pouring rain. No problem. You press the button, pull into the garage and stay perfectly dry. It’s freezing cold, the wind is blowing and, once again, a press of the button and you’re out of the garage. Another press of the button and the garage door closes behind you. But, if the garage door opener fails to work, a convenience becomes an aggravation.

Good garage door maintenance is the best way to ensure that your Spring Grove garage door opener continues to operate properly. But, even with good maintenance, your garage door opener can break down leaving the garage door stuck – leaving you climbing in and out of your car to operate the garage door manually, no matter the weather.

When your garage door opener stops working there are a number of potential problems that could be responsible. Here is a list of several problems you should consider as the potential culprit behind the problem of a garage door opener that won’t open the garage door:

  • Your remote control isn’t operating correctly.
  • Something is in the way and blocking the garage door.
  • The garage door opener isn’t receiving electricity to operate.
  • The garage door opener photo eye is blocked. 
  • You have a snapped or loose cable.
  • Some of the garage door opener settings need adjustment.
  • The manual disconnect hasn’t re-engaged.
  • The garage door has come off its track.
  • The torsion spring is broken.
  • The garage door is locked.

With a little effort, you may be able to remedy some of these problems. For instance, if the door is locked, or if something is blocking the garage door, the problem with your garage door opener is easily solved. However, some of these other problems require and garage door professional’s expertise to effect a proper repair of your garage door opener. In fact, if you aren’t a trained professional, it’s even potentially dangerous to try to repair your own garage door.

On the one hand, performing unfamiliar work from a ladder can put you in harms way. But, the real problem is that garage doors rely on high-tension springs to operate effectively. If that tension is unloosed, you can lose a finger or worse. There is the possibility that you could be grievously injured, even killed, trying to fix a garage door and garage door opener if you’re not trained to do so.

This is why it’s a good idea to call in a professional if your Spring Grove garage door opener won’t open your garage door. Take a look and make sure the problem isn’t something simple, such as something blocking the garage door, but take care before going too far trying to fix your garage door opener yourself.

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