Monday, July 31, 2017

The amazing garage door opener – as much as you use your Wildwood garage door opener, you bet it needs maintenance

Have you ever stopped to think about how many times your Wildwood garage door will go up and down? If you park your car in the garage, which is one of the primary uses for a garage, you probably use the garage door opener at least twice each day. That’s up twice and down twice. But, on weekends, when you’re busy running to and from stores, taking the children to soccer and football practice, and to ballet lessons, you’ll use it more than that. Then, in the evening, up and down it goes, a couple more times, while you finally relax with dinner and a show.

If you and your spouse both use the garage, the normal up-and-down usage can easily double. Let’s say that, on average, you operate your garage door three times each day, taking into account weekends and everything. This is probably a modest number. Also, by operating the garage door, we mean one trip up and one trip down equals one full operation.

Using this, admittedly arbitrary formula, you’ll operate your garage door 1,095 times in a year. That’s 1,095 trips up and 1,095 trips down or 2,190 trips altogether.

Your garage door runs on wheels and bearings that fit inside tracks on either side of the door. A pulley and cable, torsion spring, hinges and a curved door arm are essential parts of your garage door and garage door opener. And the entire assembly is suspended from the ceiling and front wall of your garage.

Some garage door openers have direct-drive mechanisms. Others have belts. But, whatever the case, the operation of your garage door and garage door opener puts wear and strain on the system. To imagine that it doesn’t require maintenance runs counter to logic, the way a single leaf might fight its way into a gale-force wind.

In spite of this obvious common sense, some of your neighbors may allow their garage doors and garage door openers to go for years without any maintenance. These people might tell say: “Maintenance? What maintenance? My garage door and garage door opener don’t need no stinkin’ maintenance.”

OK. But, the next time you’re in their Wildwood garage, take a look at their garage doors and garage door openers. Look at the tracks, the roller bearings, the hinges. In fact, give the entire garage door and garage door opener a thorough overview. Now, compare it to your well-maintained garage door and garage door opener.

After comparing the two, which garage door and garage door opener do you think will fail first? And, who is more likely to need the services of a garage door repair service?

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