Monday, October 25, 2021

Decorating for Halloween? Don’t forget the potential of the garage

Decorate garage for Halloween
This homeowner decorated right
on out of his garage and into
the front yard. This is an example
of the possibilities that exist
for decorating your garage this
Some folks go all out decorating for Halloween. Some generally throw up a few spooky decorations and call it a … well, spooky night.

There’s a lot you can do with Halloween decorations. But, if you consider it’s potential, you don’t want to neglect the garage or the garage door. The garage, with the door open, can represent a frightening cavern with bats hanging from the rafters and ghouls peeking out from the corners. 

As for your garage door, you can think of it as a large palette where your most spine-chilling imagination can run rampant.

A trip to one of the Halloween outlets that pop up in empty strip-mall stores can provide you with ample material to turn your home into a ghostly experience to delight Trick-or-Treaters of all ages. If you have time for delivery yet, you can probably order decorations online.

These options may cost more than you want to spend. With some creativity and ingenuity, however, you may achieve wonderfully scary results using materials around the house.

You may provide a spooky presentation based on a random assortment of Halloween-based decorations. The overall appeal of your presentation may work out better if you come up with a theme.

The next step is to assemble some of the materials that might help: 

  • Cardboard
  • Sheets
  • Paints
  • Markers
  • String
  • Etc.

You may want to go online and look for ideas. You’ll probably find plenty of concepts you can use. Pinterest is probably a good place to start.

Then, let the creative juices flow. You can setup a table in the garage where you work on the project. Think of yourself as something of a Dr. Frankenstein – a mad scientist. Build a Halloween display worthy of the phrase, “IT’S ALIVE!!!”

Just remember to maximize on your home and garage’s potential. From the front yard, to the eaves extending out from the house to the garage door and garage, with a little effort, you can turn your home into horrifyingly delicious Halloween presentation.

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