Sunday, April 11, 2021

Maintenance is critical to garage door longevity and reliability but beware of scams

The garage door and garage door opener are two mechanical components around the house that consistently come up short in terms of timely maintenance. If you maintain them properly, it will save you time, money and aggravation in the long run. But beware of scam artists who use your garage door and garage door opener to work their way into your pocketbook.

Proper garage door and garage door maintenance usually involves making some adjustments and applying proper lubricants in the right places and in the appropriate quantities. Con artists, however, may try to convince you that you need to spend money for repairs your garage door and garage door opener don’t need.

  • One scam involves overstating the experience and expertise of a company that offers to perform maintenance, repairs or replacement of your garage door and/or garage door opener. Will they make the right adjustments and make them appropriately? Will they lubricate properly? Will they overestimate the need for replacement of parts, possibly including major components? You need to ensure that your garage door technician is actually a qualified professional who will do the job right and give you the benefit of actual experience and training.
  • Another scam involves offering a Lifetime Warranty when that warranty may not be worth the paper it’s written on. It may turn out that the warranty only covers parts, or certain parts. Or it may turn out that, when you need to use the warranty, the company that installed your garage door or garage door opener has vanished into the wind and you’re left holding the bag.
  • Another scam is selling you things you don’t need. Are the components of your garage door really worn out or do they just need some adjustment and lubrication? You’re probably not an expert on garage door and garage door opener maintenance and repair. How are you to know if the parts are really worn out as badly as they indicated?

The best way to protect yourself from garage door and garage door opener scams is to do some research on the company you’re thinking to hire. And, if you have any doubts about what they’re telling you, don’t hesitate to get another opinion. A quality garage door technician will understand and appreciate your caution. If they don’t like the idea, there’s probably a good reason and an equally good reason for you to toss their number in the garbage.

Antioch garage door repair

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