Monday, January 11, 2021

Is your Lake Villa garage door ready for winter?

 The snow has come to Lake Villa at last. Were you ready for it? Are you ready for the next big snowfall?

While you figure out how to remove the snow from your driveway, don’t forget that you want to avoid damaging your garage door in the process. You don’t want to bang the shovel, the snow blower or the snowplow against your Lake Villa garage door.

When it comes to plowing the snow, this includes applying caution that you’re not pushing heavy snow against the garage door. But, beyond protecting your Lake Villa garage door while removing the snow from the driveway, you also want to protect the garage door from the snow and ice in general.

When snow is pressed against the garage door it can infiltrate the seams between door panels where the moisture can cause hinges and bearings to rust. It can get under and around the garage door where it can impede the garage door’s ability to close all the way and effect the smooth operation of the garage door.

Ice and heavy snow are particularly troublesome when it comes to interfering in the operation of the garage door. They can create solid obstacles that get in the way.

If you have snow or ice under the garage door, it’s a good idea to scrape the snow or ice away so the garage door can come all the way down when you close it. Any ice or snow built up on the sides or top of the garage door or garage door opening should also be removed. But remove this snow carefully so you don’t damage the door, the gasket around the door or the garage door opening in general.

Speaking of your gasket around the garage door, is it in good condition? That gasket plays an important role in the operation of the garage door. It protects the parts of the garage door from the elements. It also keeps those elements and the cold from getting inside the garage when the garage door is closed.

Is your garage door insulated? If not, you may see frost building up on the panels when the weather is cold. When the weather warms, that frost will melt and can roll down into hinges and bearings of the garage door. If your garage door is not insulted, it’s possible you can add insulation. Or, if practical, you may want to replace the garage door with an up-to-date insulted model.

Like any other mechanical device around your home, you need to pay attention to your Lake Villa garage door’s needs. If you take care of your garage door, it will take care of you by providing years of unhindered service. 

Lake Villa garage door repair

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