Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Can ‘fishing’ get around your Antioch garage door security?

Is your Antioch garage secure? This is an especially crucial question if your garage is attached to your house. If someone were to break into your garage, would they have easy access to your house? Would you and your loved ones be at risk?

You push the button on the garage door opener remote to lower the garage door. Presumably, someone would have to have access to your garage door opener remote to get in, assuming the side door is securely locked. But you may not have barred them from entry into your Antioch garage to the degree you’ve assumed.

Some of the nefarious individuals who would consider breaking into your garage and/or home are rather clever. They may know of a trick – a trick called ‘fishing.’ 

The Way Fishing Works to Break into Your Antioch Garage

‘Fishing’ is a method someone breaking into a garage can use to open a ‘secure’ garage door. It’s actually fairly simple:

  • They push back the top of the top panel of the garage door.
  • They reach inside with a coat hanger or a stiff wire to snag the disconnect cable.
  • They give the disconnect cable a yank.
  • They lift the door.

It’s so easy that it may seem that there is a critical flaw in your garage door security. But you are not entirely at their mercy. If you anticipate the possibility that some unsavory character(s) would try to ‘Fish’ their way into your garage, you can eliminate the threat.

‘Fishing’ is no match for a properly adjusted garage door. If the garage door is adjusted so that the ‘stop’ point is tight to the floor a body builder won’t be able to push the top panel back to get the coat hanger inside and hook the disconnect.

Securing your home and garage door is a valuable idea in the best of times. The way things are these days, you may want to take additional steps to secure your Antioch garage door and home.

Antioch garage door repair

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