Sunday, June 21, 2020

Kenosha CDL drivers should not neglect maintenance of trailer overhead doors

While folks in the Kenosha may not get out driving as much in these days of sheltering-in-place, as a truck driver, you’re probably as busy as ever. This means that you’re raising and lowering that overhead door in the back of the trailer with increased frequency.

Using an overhead door naturally causes wear and tear on the door. It’s inevitable. But is there anything you can do about it? Of course, there is. Just as maintenance of the overhead door of the garage at your Kenosha home, or the loading dock doors where you pick up and deliver goods will extend the service life of those overhead doors, maintenance of the overhead door in the back of your trailer will make a difference.

Maintenance includes lubricating springs and hinges. It also means adjusting the door for peak performance.

You don’t have to lubricate or adjust the overhead door on the back of your trailer every day – not even every week or month. But when is the last time you did maintain the overhead door in your trailer? If you’re like most CDL drivers, it’s probably been a while.

Maintenance of your trailer’s overhead door will help you to avoid situations where springs break, where hinges give way, where the door gets jammed because it isn’t going up or down evenly. But maintenance of the overhead door will do more than that.

Maintaining the overhead door in the back of your trailer will ensure that the door operates smoothly and easily. If you’ve been fighting with the overhead door in back there’s a good chance that, if nothing else, it could use some maintenance. Of course, it’s possible it already requires repairs, but we don’t want to jump to the worst conclusions.

One note of safety: if the overhead door in back of your trailer does require repairs, approach the process with extreme caution. In fact, it’s probably best that you call in a pro. Just like the springs in your Kenosha garage or loading dock are under extreme pressure, so are the springs in your trailer’s overhead door. You can get hurt or worse if something goes wrong.

Kenosha garage door maintenance

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