Sunday, April 19, 2020

At Garage Doors and More, we tip our hats to other essential providers

If your garage door is broken, even within the bounds of coronavirus isolation, you’re liable to find it essential that you have the garage door fixed and promptly. While abiding by the governor’s ‘shelter-in-place’ order, you still need to go out and pick up groceries. And, if there’s a medical emergency, or simply a doctor’s appointment, you’ll want to have access to your vehicle in the garage.

There’s no denying that, even while shutting down the economy to prevent the further spread of a pandemic, there are roles that are essential – that we can’t ‘shutdown.’ Those who operate in those essential fields are denied the sanctuary of staying in their own homes relatively safe from the spread of COVID-19.

Taking that additional risk, these are individuals who deserve a degree of respect and appreciation. This actually includes a fairly substantial list of people in a number of roles.

We don’t have to think long before we realize that first responders are among those most at risk while fulfilling an essential need. First responders include police officers, firemen, EMT and paramedics. If someone is sick with coronavirus, and they call emergency services, the people who respond cannot avoid coming into some level of contact with someone with the disease. In many other cases, the first responders have no way of knowing if the person or people they’re dealing with are infected.

At hospitals and other medical facilities, the people who work in the medical profession are expressly called upon to help people with coronavirus or who may have coronavirus. There’s no escaping it – only precautions to mitigate the risks.

But there are others we depend on while isolated

Of course, there are many others who serve us during our enforced isolation. Chief among these people are those who serve, somewhere along the line, in the food industry. This includes farmers, truck drivers, restaurant owners and workers, the young man stocking the shelves at the local grocery store, and the cashier where you pay for your food.

When we go to the grocery store, we may spend 20 minutes or half an hour. During that time, we inevitably come into contact with other people, with products other people have touched. We can, as the first responders do, take precautions. We can wear masks and rubber gloves. But we can’t 100-percent avoid the risk of catching the disease. The clerk stocking the shelves at the grocery store is there for hours. During that time, they have no way of escaping the risk.

If you need your garage door fixed, garage door techs understand how important that is. But we also understand how important other essential providers are in our lives. We want them to know how much we appreciate them.

coronavirus garage door maintenance

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