Tuesday, March 24, 2020

In spite of coronavirus, garage door repair techs are safely still available for service

coronavirus safe garage door repairs
Beau, Dave and Craig are still on the job to safely repair
your garage door during the COVID-19 pandemic. And
Tracy is in the office to handle scheduling and payments.
In this way, Garage Doors and More is maintaining
appropriate social distancing while responding to
your garage door needs.
This is not the right time for your garage door to get stuck, not when the world is shut down over coronavirus. With the door sitting half-open, it’s like an invitation to any prowlers who aren’t following the Illinois governor’s order to ‘Shelter-In-Place’ or is otherwise taking advantage of the situation on either side of the state line. If only there was someone who could help.

You’re in luck. There is. Some of the more dedicated garage door repair companies, such as Garage Doors and More, are still available to assist people in Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois who have garage door needs. But even they understand this isn’t business as usual.

At Garage Doors and More, they want to help people who have garage doors that require repairs. But they refuse to endanger customers with COVID-19 while helping with their garage doors. In fact, they refuse to take these concerns for granted.

They will perform service with little or no one-on-one personal interaction. In other words, they’ll take appropriate precautions.

Customers don’t need to come out to the garage while the service is performed. They can indicate what they need by email, text or with a phone call (847-917-3039). They can even make arrangements for garage door service by contacting Tracy Bristol in the office using the Garage Doors and More Facebook page.

When the work is done, the garage door repair technicians, who will wear nitrile gloves during the servicing of your garage door, will wipe down any surfaces they’ve come into contact with. All invoicing and payments can be handled electronically.

For the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, some garage door repair companies may but back their hours if they do remain open. That includes Garage Doors and More, where they have reduced hours and their service area. But what they haven’t reduced is their commitment to join the fight to end the pandemic or their commitment to ensure that your garage door is operating properly when you have so many other things on your mind.

Southern Wisconsin garage door repairs

Sunday, March 8, 2020

What is your garage door repair technician’s goal: fixing your garage door or selling you something?

Your garage door is stuck. Wisely, rather than trying to fix it yourself, you call a professional garage door repair service. Hopefully, a technician arrives in a minimal amount of time to take a look at your broken garage door. But, once they show up, what is their priority?

Some garage door repair companies look at service calls as opportunities for sales. They probably have a column on their financial ledgers for these upsells. The technicians may even receive a commission from products and services they sell when they come out to a service call. Is this what you’re looking for when you need your garage door repaired?

Sometimes, the technician will discover worn parts or equipment that should be repaired or replaced sooner than later. But it’s all a question of their focus.

A quality garage door repair company doesn’t build its business on upselling parts, equipment and services to customers who merely want their garage doors to operate properly again. These garage door repair companies focus instead of building their business based on reputation and customer satisfaction.

They know that, when the time comes that a garage door has outworn is service life, the customer would rather call on a company they can trust to replace that garage door. If a garage door opener can’t do its job efficiently any longer, customers will know that a trusted garage door repair company will give them the garage door opener that best meets their needs rather than the garage door opener with the highest markup.

The difference in focus isn’t just about whether to upsell or to build a business based on reputation; it’s also a question of how long the company plans to do business in the area. A garage door repair company that is in the business for the long haul knows that reputation is everything. They know that focusing on upsells will harm their reputation over the long haul.

Garage door repair companies that worry about how much they can make on upsells when making service calls aren’t worried about what their customers will say to other prospective customers. These garage door repair companies don’t plan to be around that long anyhow.

How established is your garage door repair company?

garage door repair near me