Sunday, January 12, 2020

Is your Zion garage door making noise as a symptom of a problem?

Since the day your garage door was installed in the garage of your Zion home or office, it has begun to age. Every day, it’s a day older. Every year, it’s a year older. Every decade … well, you get the idea. Over time, you’ll notice that it is louder and louder when opening and closing. This is somewhat normal. But, there are times when the noise your garage door makes could indicate a problem you should address.

If you never used your garage door, rust would still represent a threat. The bearings, gears, springs, hinges and other parts won’t experience the wear-and-tear normally experienced by a garage door that is well used but rust will still attack. The thing about rust is that it will attack the metal parts of your garage door whether you use it or not.

Assuming you do use your garage door with frequency, which is likely with most garage doors on most homes in Zion, rust is not the only issue. Parts will begin to loosen over time. Bearings can become loose or rigid. Springs can lose their mojo.

 Inevitably, these changes will reduce the efficiency of your garage door and garage door opener while increasing the amount of noise they make when in use.  If parts outright break, the first indication you may have is the volume of the noise your garage door makes when raising or lowering.

Broken parts can also quickly incapacitate your garage door. They can even make your garage door dangerous to use. This is why maintenance is essential for your garage door. Timely maintenance (usually about once a year) will go a long way towards the avoidance of broken garage door parts or garage door openers.

Along with annual maintenance of your garage door, using your sense of sound is essential to monitoring the condition of your garage door. If the garage door begins making more and/or louder noise, have it checked out promptly. You could catch a problem early before it spreads and causes other problems while increasing the cost of repair.

Still, regular maintenance is the best way to avoid problems with your Zion garage door. It will keep it operating more efficiently and quieter, too.

garage door maintenance Zion

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