Monday, June 24, 2019

Protect Hainesville garage door weather stripping and it will protect your garage and possessions

Those shingles on the roof of your garage are there to keep the water out. They protect everything inside. The weather stripping around your Hainesville garage door is there for the same reason. If you keep the weather stripping in good shape it will help keep your garage in good shape, as well as everything you keep inside the garage.

The weather stripping is generally made of rubber and rubber is a petroleum product. That means there is oil inside the rubber. The sun, heat and cold speed the process by which the oil is dried out of the rubber. Overtime, and as a result, the rubber will shrink and crack. In time, the deterioration will be so complete that the rubber will crumble.

As the rubber deteriorates, water gains access. In the winter, this means that thawing snow and ice come through to do their damage to things inside. In the summer, particularly a monsoon-like summer such as this, the rainwater can get past the rubber weather stripping as it deteriorates.

One part of your Hainesville that you really want to protect is the bottom plate of the walls. Hopefully, this is raised from the floor, particularly since many garages are built today with a constant downward pitch toward the front of the garage. But, if the water has a chance to get into the wood around the walls of your garage it can cause the wood to rot and mold.

Items that you keep in garage can also suffer from rainwater that gets inside the garage. What do you keep in the garage? Can water damage it? These are good questions, particularly if your garage door weather strip is showing signs of wear.

If your Hainesville garage door weather strip is showing signs of wear, moving things off the floor is a temporary solution. The real answer is to replace the weather stripping around the door. And don’t wait too long. This is one wet Hainesville summer.

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