Monday, July 9, 2018

Security tip of zip tie to disable garage door emergency release is a bad idea and here’s why …

garage door release zip tie
This emergency release cord is not disabled
with a zip tie. Some are in an attempt
to thwart any efforts by thieves to break
into the garage. A zip tie on the garage
door emergency release is actually a
very bad idea.
A zip tie strapped around the emergency release of a garage door opener mechanism is a tip often prescribed by those who claim they’re in the know. Yes, this can make it harder for a thief to break into your garage (fortunately, there are other ways to confront thieves) but think about the name of this device.

It’s not called the ‘convenient’ release cord. It’s not called the ‘optional’ release cord. This, usually, red cord with a handle found having down from the trolley on the drive chain, is called the ‘EMERGENCY’ release cord. This is because when you need it, you might just have an emergency.

If the power goes out, your electrically-operated garage door opener won’t work unless you have a battery backup or generator. It’s possible that, when the power went out, you would feel that your ability to get the car out of the garage is an emergency – just pulled the cord and lift the garage door by hand. But, that’s not exactly what they meant when they named this mechanism the ‘emergency’ release cord.

By emergency, the suggestion is that something or someone, valuable might be stuck under the door, such as your pet or, worse yet, one of your children. If your child is caught under the garage door you may not have time to bring a ladder over, find a cutter and cut the zip tie off your emergency release cable.

The concern is that a thief can grab the emergency release cord with a coat hanger and release the trolley from the cable. Then they’re in the garage.

So, if a zip tie is a bad idea, what can you do to ensure that your garage door is secure (doubly important if you have a garage attached to the house where they can close the garage door again and work on the door to the house unobserved)?

Below is a list of ideas to secure your garage door suggested by the International Door Association:

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