Thursday, January 11, 2018

Is the rubber supple and strong at the bottom of your Park City garage door?

Your garage door goes up. Your garage door goes down. But, when your garage door goes down, does it have an effective rubber strip at the bottom to seal with the concrete entryway to your Park City garage?

Garage doors are designed to have a weather strip at the bottom of the garage door. On the one hand, it absorbs the shock when the garage door hits the pavement. On the other hand, it seals out some of the cold, rain and snow from coming into
the garage.

Let’s suppose you’re out in the garage one Saturday during this upcoming Park City winter. Outside, it’s cold. It’s snowing. The snow is blowing. And if you don’t have a good weather strip at the bottom of your garage door, there’s a good chance the snow is blowing under your garage door.

A rubber weather strip is attached to the bottom of your garage door before it’s installed. In other words, it’s there from the beginning.

New rubber is soft and supple. It flexes well. It rebounds when the garage door comes down to the concrete. But, rubber is a petroleum-based product. Over time, the petroleum degrades. Adverse weather conditions, such as those that are common around Park City, spur along the degradation of the weather strip at the bottom of your garage door.

In time, the weather strip is no longer soft and supple. In time, it becomes hard and rigid. Then, it cracks. Its useful time is passed.

The solution is to replace the weather strip at the bottom of your garage door with a new weather strip. Your new weather strip will be soft and supple again, and ready to keep those Park City winter conditions outside of your garage.

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