Monday, March 20, 2017

Embracing Technology and how it can enhance your Fox Lake garage door opener

Cell phones can do almost everything, from giving you directions to turning on the lights when you’re not even home. Another thing they can do, and that you may want to consider using in your life, is to use your cell phone to open your Fox Lake garage door.

Major manufacturers of garage door openers now make their devices ready for this integration. Most have adapted this technology into their garage door openers since 1997.

If you have a garage door that is older, not to worry. It can be retrofitted to work with a smartphone app. However, by the time you factor in the cost and labor, retrofitting an older garage door opener can get pretty pricey. You might want to consider upgrading your Fox Lake garage door opener rather than retrofitting an older one. Compare the costs between the two but keep in mind the value of having a newer garage door opener rather than keeping an older one that is more likely to need repair or replacement.

There are several advantages to using an app rather than a garage door opener remote, including:

  • Open the door remotely: even when you’re away from your Fox Lake home or business. If there is a reason you need to let someone in, but you can't be there, the app lets you control the garage door opener from miles and miles away. Say your spouse went out to the store before you left for work and now they’re locked out. You can activate the garage door opener from wherever you are.
  • Connecting more devices: No need to get more clickers, just add the app to all the family phones and you all have access to the garage door opener.  That means your teenager who doesn't have a car but does have a bike, can activate the garage door opener and put his or her bike away instead of leaving it in the driveway.
  • You have your phone with you: That means you can operate your garage door opener even if you’re not in your car, which is where you usually leave the garage door opener remote. This solves several issues, such as:
    • leaving the garage door opener remote at the repair shop when you drop off the car for service
    • leaving it in a rental car after you return it – a potentially major headache
    • having it stolen from your car when you left the windows open or when someone otherwise breaks into your car
  • Alerts: You can receive notifications to your phone when your garage door or your garage door opener need maintenance. This allows you to get service in a timely manner rather than waiting for something to break before you know it needs work. You’re also notified when your garage door is left open. You can then activate the garage door opener to close it for you from wherever you are, even if you’re out of state on business or vacation. It’s even possible to close your garage door when you're away from Fox Lake on another continent.

Some people express concern around security: “What if someone gets my phone? That means they can get into my house.” General cell phone safety and security are a concern that anyone should maintain. Guard and protect your smartphones, especially if you use them to shop or to perform remote operations at your home. But, using an app on your phone can prove safer than a clicker.

You have your phone password protected and clickers do not provide that kind of security; anyone can use them to open your garage door.

Whether embracing smartphone technology appeals to you or, maybe even scares you a little, integrating your garage door and your garage door opener with your smartphone is a good step. The convenience and safety the app can provide make it a smart choice.

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