Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Time to replace your Lindenhurst garage door?

Is that garage door on your Lindenhurst garage getting a bit shabby? It goes up and down in a jerky motion while making all kinds of noise. The panels in the door are loose to the extent you can even see light around their edges. The bottom of the door is ‘starting’ to rot and the garage door opener is running slower and slower.

These are some of the symptoms you’ll notice when it’s time to consider replacing your Lindenhurst garage door. Of course, if someone has driven the car into the garage door, that could be another explanation.  There is even another reason to consider replacing your garage door – it simply looks like heck.

A garage door can fail your aesthetic test if it’s simply showing its years. But, it can also fail that test if style has left your garage door in the dustpan of yesteryear. One example is the flat-panel garage door. When it’s down, it looks like a flat wall with horizontal grooves.

While some liked that style years ago, and fewer do today, it was always your essential basic garage door – no frills and nothing fancy. Today, there are garage doors that are simply stylistically outstanding. They put WOW! in the style of a garage door and really enhance the property in general. For instance, there are garage doors that are natural and stained wood that appear as though designed for use in a country estate.

Some overhead garage doors even have the appearance of stable doors that would swing out to open.

Metal (usually aluminum) and fiberglass garage doors are also more stylish today. And they come insulated, as well. An insulated garage door is a must if you’re planning to insulate the garage to get more use out of it in the winter – a key factor to consider here in Lindenhurst where winters get darn cold.

Once you’ve decided to replace the garage door, it’s time to consider which type of new garage door you’ll purchase and how you’ll install it. You may want to resist the urge to do it yourself. You can go to a big, home-supply box store to buy a garage door. It will come with instructions and, if you follow them carefully, you may do relatively OK. But it’s not that good of an idea.

First of all, installing a garage door has a significant element of danger. Garage doors are generally heavy. To make it easier to raise and lower the door, whether by hand or with a garage door opener, there are large springs that assist in lifting the garage door and controlling its descent when closing (you don’t want the garage door to come slamming to the ground when you close it).

That spring is under substantial tension. If that tension is unleashed, someone will probably get hurt. This is why it’s best to call in a professional for this type of project. Garage door repair and replacement simply don't make for good DIY projects.

A professional, a professional you’ve thoroughly vetted, will also help you to choose the appropriate garage door of the style you want and will make sure that you have a garage door opener that is up to the task properly installed.

Lindenhurst garage door

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