Monday, September 21, 2015

Is my garage door working the way it should?

These steps are the prescribed maintenance to keep your garage door working properly. But are you able to recognize when your garage door and garage door opener are not working correctly? Really know? If you hear any new noises, that’s a strong sign that there could be a problem with your garage door and garage door opener. Another sign is if the door is simply louder when your raise it or lower it. Either of these clues suggest that it’s a good time to seek help from a qualified garage door technician.

Another clue you want to keep an eye out for is black powdery residue around hinges and brackets. This is an indication that garage door and garage door opener parts are getting worn and may need replacement or, at the very least, adjustment.

Weather is another factor that can affect how well your garage door and garage door opener operate. Northern Illinois winters are often brutal. When the temperature decides to stay well below zero for an extended period of time it can cause additional stress on the garage door mechanism and garage door opener. Garage door maintenance is essential to dealing with this stress.

The colder things get, the more garage door and garage door opener parts tend to tighten. They’re also more brittle. Then, when they warm up, they loosen up. This process of expansion and contraction will change how the door runs. A tune-up adjustment is an extremely good idea.

And if you are familiar with potholes, (as a veteran of Northern Illinois winters, of course you are) you have experienced the way concrete and asphalt respond to extreme changes in heat and cold. If your garage door opener is adjusted based on the level of the concrete in the summer, you may find that the concrete has moved up in the winter. It can move as much as two inches, which will have a significant impact on the way your garage door and garage door opener operate. It can cause your door to reverse and open instead of closing. An adjustment can fix this, too.

Some of these issues involve routine maintenance that the homeowner can take care of easily. But, in some, a homeowner may want to call in a qualified garage door technician. Either way, keep in mind that a little preventative care should keep your garage door running at its best.

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