Saturday, January 21, 2023

Is the garage door opener on your Antioch garage past its prime?

Garage door openers are a wonderful technological advancement. Imagine arriving at your Antioch home one night in the middle of winter. To get the car in the garage, you have no choice; you have to get out of the car and manually open the garage door.

That Antioch wind is howling as it drives the cold into your face and across your hands. It’s as if the bitter cold finds gaps in the stitches of your pants. The snow is biting at your skin. If only someone had invented the garage door opener.

Then there’s that cold and slushy day when you have to step out of the car and into the frigid puddles that haven’t quite frozen yet. The water seeps down inside your shoes and it’s as if you’ve jumped barefoot into an ice-cold puddle. Once again – a mechanism to automatically open the garage door would be great about now.

Fortunately, the wireless garage door opener has been around for quite a while. In 1926, C.G. Johnson of Hartford City, IN, invented an electric overhead garage door opener. But they were not widely used until after the Second World War with the Era Meter Company of Chicago. This garage door opener required the use of a key pad located on a post at the end of the driveway – you had to roll down the window to get at it.

The remote control system brought the garage door opener into the modern age. By the mid-80s, remote garage door openers were common. Today, hardly a garage door lacks a motorized remote garage door opener. They’re standard equipment the way seatbelts come with cars today.

Garage door openers have powerful motors that smoothly, and quietly raise and lower your garage door on command. No matter the weather, you can sit snug in your car and the garage door will open when you want it to open. And it will close when you’ve entered or left the garage.

Even though garage door openers have made incredible strides over the years, they can still wear out. With repeated use, one of the first signs of wear is a requirement for adjustments and maintenance. But, eventually, that may not be enough.

The garage door opener may run slower, louder and not so smoothly as it used to run. There comes a time where it may stop running altogether. 

If the garage door on your Antioch garage has slowed down, you may want to call in a pro to see if adjustments and service can get it working properly again. And if it’s past its prime, if it’s time to replace your garage door opener, a trusted garage door technician can explain why and help you choose a new garage door opener.

Antioch garage door opener