Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Looking for late-Christmas present ideas for dad? Don’t forget that Grayslake garage

What to buy dad? Don’t we all struggle with that question. And, now that Christmas has just passed, hopefully, you got dad a gift that he really loves. But, if you don’t feel that the gift measured up, even though he put on a good show of appreciation, as he always does, there’s always the after-Christmas shopping season where you can pick up some bargains. And as you look for those bargains, don’t forget his Grayslake garage as a potential generator of gift ideas.

How much time does he spend in the garage. Is he known in that Grayslake neighborhood as a woodworker? Does he tinker on an old car in the garage? Is he an avid gardener and does his magic in the yard working out of the garage?

If he’s a woodworker, there are tools you can buy. Hmmm? He already has all the tools he could possibly need? How ‘bout a book with woodworking ideas? 

Is he into classic cars and the garage is his shop where he tunes and/or rebuilds a classic hotrod? If that’s the case, the options are almost limitless. Tools. Car Dealer/Hotrod Parts Signs. Books of Classic Cars. Be sure to get something that fits with his chosen brand (if he’s a diehard Ford man, a Corvette sign may not be the best choice).

If he’s a gardener, you’ll also find an almost limitless supply of options. There are gardening tools, books, supplies, seeds, statues, etc. Is he ready for a new pair of gloves? 

What about the garage itself. Is that garage door opener a little long in the tooth? Or is the garage door itself falling apart? If he has an older garage door opener, he may not be able to control it as easily as some of the new models allow, new models that are controlled by smartphones and/or with Wi-Fi, Siri or Alexa.

Could he use some new coach lights outside the garage door? Would new LED strip lights prove useful inside the garage? How ‘bout a camera and/or alarm system to secure the garage and keep that hotrod, woodworking equipment or landscaping tools safe, along with everything else he keeps in there?

How ‘bout a paint job for the floor of the garage? If it’s a hotrod garage, you could have a professional apply a checkered-flag paint job on the floor.

Hopefully, you and your entire family had a very Merry Christmas. And, with 2023 just a few days away, hopefully you have a Happy New Year, too.

Grayslake garage door