Monday, August 24, 2020

Is your Antioch garage door opener past its prime?

You don’t think about it much but, when you do, you can’t help but appreciate your Antioch garage door opener. Garage door openers are so customary today that virtually everyone has them operating their garage doors. But that wasn’t always the case. There was a time when garage door openers were almost unheard of.

You love your garage door opener because it is such an incredible convenience. As you’re driving up to the garage, or preparing to leave, you simply push a button and the garage door rises of lowers in accordance with your wishes. In the winter, or during heavy rainstorms, you can get in and out of your car without exposing yourself to those harsh elements so familiar to folks in Antioch. But there comes a time when garage door openers require replacement.

When do you need to replace your garage door opener?

One sign that your garage door opener needs repair or replacement is that, when you push the button to operate the garage door opener, nothing happens. That’s a pretty obvious clue that something is wrong. It may require some minor service but it requires something. 

Short of total failure, there are other signs that your Antioch garage door may have run its course. For instance:

Boy, that’s loud! If your garage door is increasingly loud when you operate the garage door opener, you have an issue. The garage door may need some lubrication and adjustment (hopefully). But it’s also a possible sign that the garage door opener isn’t what it used to be.

W-w-w-w-w-h-h-h-a-a-a-a-t-t-t-t is making the garage door vibrate like that? Excessive vibration when your garage door opener is in operation is another sign of a problem. Garage doors should not vibrate much when the door is going up or down. Once again, this can indicate the need for maintenance, lubrication and adjustment but can also indicate the garage door opener is past its prime.

I said, “UP!” If you push the button to open the garage door, it starts to go up but then, inexplicably, changes course, something is wrong. It’s recommended that you should have your garage door and garage door opener checked.

What’s with this button?! You keep pushing the button to activate the garage door opener, but nothing happens. After several tries, the garage door finally responds. This isn’t how a garage door opener is designed to operate. You may have a problem with the garage door opener control. But you can also have a problem with the garage door opener. In either case, and to find out which is the case, you should have the garage door opener, and the control, checked out.

The garage door opener on your Antioch garage should last quite a few years. But there will come a time when it has opened or closed the garage door for the last time. Remember that timely maintenance can help extend the life of your garage door and your garage door opener.

Antioch garage door repair

Monday, August 10, 2020

You can still have that Libertyville garage sale during the pandemic

Libertyville is a great city for a garage sale. People in town just love a relaxing Saturday afternoon when they can cruise through the neighborhood looking for garage sales. But, with the coronavirus, is it safe to have a garage sale?

The answer is yes, if you take precautions. You can have a garage sale, and it’s a great way to clear out some of those unwanted and no-longer used items that are taking up space in your Libertyville home, garage and yard. Safely having a garage sale in the age of COVID requires that you take some steps to ensure the safety of you, your family and prospective buyers who check out your garage sale.

Here are some suggestions to consider before you have a garage sale at your Libertyville home:

Put up signs by your house and garage that are clearly visible indicating the desire that people wear masks and observe social distancing while shopping at your garage sale. You may want to add language to that effect on signage that you put around the neighborhood pointing people to your garage sale.

Have some extra facemasks available. You can even charge a dollar for a facemask if someone needs one.

Have hand sanitizer handy. It will comfort the nervous when they see they can use your sanitizer to clean their hands. And it’s a good thing for you and your family to use since you don’t really know who has come to your garage sale and touched the items you’re selling, as well as the cash and change you exchange.

Be prepared to wipe things down. Have sanitary wipes handy so you can wipe down items potential buyers have touched. You might even impress customers when they see you wiping their purchase down after the sale. It says you care.

Maintain your Libertyville garage door and garage door opener

When the garage sales over, or maybe before, you may want to have your garage door and garage door opener maintained. As long as you’re putting the garage to work for you, return the favor and give a little TLC to the garage door and garage door opener. You’re Libertyville garage door and garage door opener will thank you.

Libertyville garage door repair