Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Is it time to replace your Zion garage door?

If you take care of the garage door on your Zion garage, performing proper maintenance about once each year, that garage door should last you a good long time. If not, you may find yourself needing a new garage door sooner than you expected, and certainly sooner than you wanted.

Even if you do take care of your garage door, there may be a time when you need, or want, to install a new garage door. If you simply decide it’s time for a change, ‘when’ to install a new garage door is a subjective question. But, if the garage door is past its prime and its condition dictates that you need a new garage door on your Zion garage, the time to do so is more objective. There are particular issues that would indicate it’s time for a new garage door.

So, when do you really need to replace the garage door and how can you tell? Here are several issues to consider:

  • Operation: This is the most obvious question. How does your garage door operate, which you can break down into several other categories, such as:
  • Speed: Is the garage door going up and down at the same rate of speed as it did when it was new? This may be difficult to notice overtime as the door is likely to slow down a little at a time. But, if you check the speed and try to remember how the door worked when new you’ll probably be able to determine if the speed has changed.
  • Noise: Is the garage door considerably louder than it used to be. Once again, the noise has probably increased incrementally but you should be able to tell the difference if you try.
  • Safety: Is the garage door in a condition where someone could be injured, or worse? Is it so likely to come off the rails that it might fall on the car and cause damage? Look to see that it is closing all the way, that the rollers are staying in the rails and that the springs are not broken.
  • Security: Is the garage door closing properly to the degree that it is not easily breeched. One of the primary functions of the garage door is to keep the unwanted out. The unwanted includes animals that might be looking for a home as well as people who are looking for something to steal.
  • Appearance: This is more of a subjective question again. If the garage door looks like heck it’s not very appealing in general. If you’re thinking about selling your Zion home, the appearance of the garage door is even more important and can play a major factor in the ability to find a buyer and how much they’re willing to pay.
  • Technology: If your garage door is old enough you may not have the latest technology at your fingertips, such as a garage door you can operate with your smart phone, even when you’re not home.

Before you decide your garage door is due for replacement, you may want a garage door technician to look at the old garage door and see if it’s worth salvaging. With proper maintenance, once again, you can extend the life of your garage door.

Otherwise, it’s a matter of cost versus benefits, including the benefit of a new garage door on your Zion garage.