Monday, September 24, 2018

Maintenance is the key to your Lindenhurst garage door opener’s durability

Lindenhurst garage door opener
Maintaining your Lindenhurst garage door opener
will save you money and aggravation in the long run.
How long should you expect your garage door opener to last at your Lindenhurst home? As with other mechanical equipment, garage door openers won’t last forever. Eventually, they give up the ghost.

If you try to gauge the life expectancy of your garage door opener based on the warranty, you won’t find that information inspiring. Most garage door opener warranties are for about three years. Most of the folks in Lindenhurst don’t want to run out to the store every three years to replace their garage door openers.

The good news is that garage door openers generally last substantially longer than their warranties. In fact, you can probably expect your garage door opener to last at least 15 years and, possibly, as long as 30 years. That’s far more comforting.

Fortunately, you’re not merely at the whim of chance when it comes to how long your garage door opener will last. In other words, there is something you can do about it.

What can you do about the durability of your garage door opener? Maintenance is the key. As Benjamin Franklin once wrote, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Maintaining your garage door opener includes replacing the batteries and light bulbs periodically. You should also replace the batteries in your remote control (be sure to unplug the garage door opener before performing any maintenance). When replacing the bulbs in the garage door opener, it’s recommended that you use the factory recommended bulbs.

You should also check the tension of the chain or belt that the garage door opener uses to drive the garage door up and down, depending on which style of garage door opener you have.

Keeping the garage door opener clean is a good thing, too. That policy also works for the garage door mechanism in general. Cleaning the tracks, wheels and other parts of the garage door opener can pay dividends in terms of allowing your garage door opener to last to its maximum potential lifespan.

Lubrication is also imperative if you want your garage door opener to last longer. Look at it this way; if you don’t maintain, clean and lubricate your garage door opener and garage door mechanism regularly, your garage door opener will have to work harder to raise and lower the garage door. The more it has to strain, the earlier you’ll find you need a new garage door opener on your Lindenhurst garage.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Salem, WI, garage door doesn’t have to open slowly

It’s not such a big deal when they’re headed out to the PM&L Theatre for a show but, when they have to get to work on time, or get the kids to Salem Grade School before the bell, there’s no time to waste. Unfortunately, their garage door and garage door opener seem to be conspiring to waste their time.

Did it happen suddenly one day? Probably not. More likely, it was a gradual process where, little by little, their garage door simply took longer and longer to open. Eventually, it took so long to open that they couldn’t help but notice the difference.

When they were new, the garage door opener cranked up the garage door in no time at all. It happened so quickly they didn’t really think about it. They’d push the button and, while they were otherwise preparing to leave, the door finished rolling up in its tracks. Now, when all seatbelts are clicked and doors are closed and locked, and the car is started, they look up to discover that the garage door is only half the way up. They sit in the car and watch impatiently as it continues its journey.

There are several possible culprits behind the slowing of their Salem, WI, garage door, including worn springs or pulleys and belts. It may require needed adjustments to spring tension or the speed setting on the garage door opener. The door may also require lubrication to free up hinges and rollers for ease of travel.

You may find some Do-It-Yourself videos online that will provide instructions on how to improve the speed of your garage door yourself. However, it’s essential to remember that the springs used with your garage door are under extreme tension and have the potential to cause serious injury or even death if something goes wrong while you’re adjusting your garage door. It’s highly advisable that you have a professional work on your garage door.

Annual maintenance of your garage door and garage door opener will help you avoid ever discovering that your garage door is opening slower. Maintenance will help keep it moving free, clear and efficiently.

Salem, WI, is a great place to live. There’s a lot to do in and around Salem. You don’t want to spend your time waiting for your garage door to open.