Monday, December 18, 2017

Garage door and garage door opener maintenance is critical when you don’t have elves standing by to help

In days gone by, there was a hinged-double-barn door. But, the Big Guy tries to keep up with advancements in technology. And, so, 30 or 40 years ago, he had an overhead garage door installed. Ten years later he updated that with an automatic garage door opener.

This made things much easier. It was a very good idea because, on that one night each year when he uses the garage door, he is very, very busy. He doesn’t have time to waste.

Imagine if you had to circumnavigate the globe, stopping at millions and millions of homes and, at each home, sliding down the chimney with toys for boys and girls to leave under the tree, and all in one night. Clearly, every second counts. Knowing that the door will open when called upon is vital.

Only using the door once each year means that there isn’t the usual wear and tear experienced by most garage doors and garage door openers that are going up and down with frequency throughout the year. However, the conditions by the Big Guy’s place more than make up for the disparity in use. In the winter, the temperature outside his place averages 40 degrees below zero. That’s cold – really, really cold. And then there are the extremes when it can get much colder.

These extremes are very hard on the mechanics of a garage door and garage door opener. The cold effects the lubricants that are used to protect and assist garage door hinges. Of course, the elf who maintains the garage door for the Big Guy uses a special lubricant designed to withstand such extreme lows. But, the cold still plays havoc on the garage door and garage door opener.

Then there is the wind and the snow. The wind often blows so hard up here that the snow seems to find the smallest crack to invade the interior of the Big Guy’s place. Another elf spends all his time identifying and sealing leaks. He is an expert in the installation of caulk and rubber weather stripping. But, the bitterly cold wind is so persistent that his work is never really done.

The good news is that, on that one night, while the Big Guy is loading toys in his Soaring Levitation  Express Delivery system (S.L.E.D), the garage door elves are checking the garage door and garage door opener and checking it twice. If there is a problem, once the Big Guy hooks up the Hooved Drive System and hits the button to open the garage door, the elves are standing by to quickly address any problem.

Few of us have garage doors and garage door openers that have to endure the kinds of temperatures that the Big Guy’s garage door and garage door opener endures. But, even fewer of us have garage door technicians standing by every time we use our garage doors. This makes it imperative that we do timely maintenance with our garage doors and garage door openers so they will work when we need them to work.

Of course, millions of boys and girls aren’t depending on our garage doors and garage door openers to work the way they are with the Big Guy and his garage door and garage door opener.