Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Should you replace the garage door opener and the garage door of your McHenry garage

Just because the garage door on your McHenry garage needs replacing doesn't mean that your garage door opener needs replacing as well. The same is true the other way around. The garage door and garage door opener are separate systems. Both need maintenance to ensure they work properly and that they can work together. But failure of one does not mean failure for both.

That said, if you are replacing one, it is worth evaluating the other. If the garage door is having trouble, how old is the garage door opener and what kind of shape is it in? If the garage door opener needs replacement is the garage door in good working order?

For some homeowners in McHenry, dealing with both at the same time makes good economic sense. You're already investing money into your garage, you already have the garage door professional on site. Is it worth spending a little more now to save some money in the future? The additional cost to do both often makes it worth having both the garage door and the garage door opener replaced at the same time.

When deciding whether to replace the garage door and the garage door opener together, here are some things to consider:

  • Does the garage door move smoothly when opening and closing?
  • Does the garage door make a lot of noise opening and closing?
  • Does the garage door travel the full distance opening and closing?
  • Is your garage door, or garage door opener, more than 15 years old?

Any of these could indicate that both the garage door and/or garage door opener need some work. Any one of these points could suggest that it's time to replace the garage door and/or the garage door opener. The age of the garage door and garage door opener increase the likelihood that they need replacement.

If you are considering upgrading your garage door opener system, it may make sense to replace your garage door, too. Newer technology may also make the decision more appealing. For instance, with newer systems, your smartphone may open and close your garage door, even if you're not home. Newer garage door opener systems may operate more quietly and may last longer than your current system.

A cold Northern Illinois winter may convince you to install an insulated garage door. Insulated garage doors weigh more than un-insulated garage doors. But, if you upgrade to an insulated garage door, you need to consider whether your garage door opener can handle the extra load.

As a McHenry homeowner, you need to feel comfortable with how much you are ready to spend. Perhaps the long-term economic choice doesn't fit your current budget. Perhaps you don't plan to stay in this home long enough to see the return on your investment of replacing both systems.

It may make sense to replace your garage door opener when you replace your garage door. It may not. It isn't necessary a question of whether it's a good idea. Homeowners in Northern Illinois can decide if the need or want to replace both the garage door and the garage door opener at the same time. Making the best choice is ultimately a personal decision.